FenestraPro Envelope Analysis

FenestraPro Envelope Analysis

, English

Insights into envelope design decisions such as window-wall ratios, materials and components, how they impact energy performance, and how they can achieve code compliance.

General Usage Instructions

Go to Autodesk® Forma online and open a project. It is currently recommended to use the Chrome Browser as other browsers may not be fully compatible. 

If you have view access only, you may need to join a project in your hub to get editing permission (please check if the project is locked or contact the project owner for access). 

Click on the ‘Extensions‘ icon. There are several ways to access this: 

(1) either on the left-hand side toolbar, 

(2) on the main building modeler toolbar or 

(3) in the analyses options on the upper right of the screen 

Then click on ‘Add Extension‘.

Find the FenestraPro extension in the list and click on the Add button. Agree to the terms of use and then close this window. 

Refresh your browser to update your Forma screen with the new extension.

When you hover over the extension option now (‘Analyses by Extension‘), the FenestraPro extension should be listed (amongst others). 

Click on the extension to load it into Forma and it will display in the panel below.

Select The Proposed Design

Select An Energy Code

The default FenestraPro Energy Code U-values used to calculate the results 

Window To Wall Ratio

Next, select a Window to Wall ratio to apply to the Forma model. 

Construction Types: The assumed default Construction Types in Forma will be listed here under the dials, with the associated thermal properties

Element Areas: These areas will be displayed for Glazing, Walls, Roofs and Floors. These areas are currently in meters squared for all model types.


For more details go through the following link: https://support.fenestrapro.com/knowledgebase/envelope-analysis-for-forma/




Additional Information

To install the Forma extension, please follow this guide: https://help.autodeskforma.com/en/articles/7869507-open-up-new-forma-capabilities-with-extensions

Our Code database is being improved to support more regions. Please get in touch with us for more details.

Known Issues

Envelope parameters are not currently identified from Forma model properties. Default properties are used.

Our Code database is being improved to support more regions. Please contact us for more details.

The entire building must be selected to run the analysis. Selecting individual floors will not produce results. 


Company Name: FenestraPro
Support Contact: support@fenestrapro.com

Author/Company Information


Version History

Version Number Version Description


Initial release
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