Win64, English

LG Electronics U.S.A., Inc.
LG VRF (Variable Refrigerant Flow) HVAC design tool.

General Usage Instructions

LG Air Conditioner Technical Solutions (LATS) for Autodesk® Revit® is a fast and effective way to create drawing plans for your LG Air Conditioning Technologies systems.

You have a separate tab for LATS on the Revit ribbon bar and this tab takes you to two menus for easily navigating various features of LATS.

Microsoft Office 64-bit is required for this app.

Select "End User" as Job Type. 




In order to install and uninstall this product, you will follow Window's usual installation/uninstallation method. When uninstalling, visit Control Panel -> Programs and Features -> Uninstall a program and follow the instructions on the uninstallation wizard.

More information on app usage available in LATS Revit Manual.

Additional Information

You can access learning materials (manuals and video tutorials) from (free sign-up required). 

If you have trouble accessing the learning materials through the website above, please contact the software support. 

Known Issues


Company Name: LG Electronics U.S.A., Inc.
Company URL:
Support Contact:

Author/Company Information

LG Electronics U.S.A., Inc.

Support Information

For support information, please contact the email below:

Jimin You

Version History

Version Number Version Description

Updated features: - Developed compatibility with Revit 2020 - Updated the software to reflect heat recovery unit rules - New models were added and discontinued models were deleted - Other miscellaneous bugs are fixed
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