MEP Utilities: Auto Sleeving Tool 2025

MEP Utilities: Auto Sleeving Tool 2025

Win64, English

Autodesk® Revit® add-in tool that automatically places sleeves at the wall and straight part intersects with walls and floors. Allows fab and Revit parts, and includes a trimble point export.

General Usage Instructions

Install the program and once installed, open Revit 2025 and go to the Mep Utilities tab. There you can launch the program from the MEP CORE tab menu after using the MEP Utilities Startup button and then the button labeled with the same name as this program. MEP CORE requires that this sub-program be owned and installed to properly be accessible.

For this program, you will want to make sure your sleeve settings are set to your preferred variations.

Then if you want to create sleeve parts with dimensions you can use the "Build new sleeve part" button. Inside the new window will be input for names, units, and dimensions. The host dimensions are what define the maximum element dimensions allowed for the sleeve to be placed.

Once all your sleeve settings are set you can set your sleeve to use in the sleeve creation section. The default is a resizing version of the included sleeves, so you do not need to create sleeve parts to use this program.

Then select the walls you wish to have sleeves placed on. Followed by using "pick elements" to select straight parts, and then "start sleeving" to place sleeves.

If you want to get Trimble points for the sleeves, select the sleeves and click the "create Trimble point csv" in the adjust selected sleeves section.

Check the tutorial/promo for better explanations on how to use the program if you still need to know more.




Install: Double-click the .exe installer to install where you would like and follow the instructions.

To uninstall: double-click on the .exe and follow the instructions OR use the standard Windows program uninstaller from Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features.

Additional Information

Known Issues



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Support Information

You can email for support or to report any bugs

Version History

Version Number Version Description


Minor update tweaks and sleeve placement rotation improved.
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