Connector Magic

Connector Magic

Win64, English

The tool offers quick and easy creation of Autodesk® Revit® air duct / pipe device connections in projects by its intuitive UI, making it an essential tool in the MEP industry.

General Usage Instructions

  • You need to have a duct/pipe element crossing a family instance solid;
  • Run the tool by clicking the button “Create” in the ribbon panel “Connector magic” of the “Add-Ins” Revit Tab;
  • Follow the tool instructions in notifications: first, select the family instance solid and then the duct/pipe element;
  • Set up the connector family like you would do it directly in the family (for more information you can use the help button, which will open a pdf file with common instructions for creating connectors in a family by native Revit workflow);
  • Set up or bind the family instance parameters to the connector family parameters in order to have calculated data from the connector family instance directly in the main family instance (as an option, you can add new project shared parameters to be able to bind them);
  • Click the “Apply” button, the tool will construct and load (in case there is no yet a connector family of the same type and with the same settings in the model) and connect the selected duct/pipe element with the selected main family instance;
  • If you need to link the duct/pipe connector to another duct/pipe connector crossing the main family instance solid, check the option “Link connectors” before clicking the “apply” button; select the second duct/pipe element and set it up the same way as first duct/pipe element;
  • After the tool work is done you will have a family instance (even without connectors inside) calculable and built into the selected duct/pipe system;
  • After modifications in the system recalculation may be required; the tool automatically will detect them and notify you in the button “Update” in the ribbon panel “Connector magic”; you may start updating any time (even after reloading the project or restarting the Revit application), it will update bound parameters in all instances of connector families and all main family instances;
  • Most probably you will need to click the “Update” button several times due to applying changes on one element can bring to the necessity to update other elements in the system;



Ribbon/Toolbar Icon Command Command Description


Main functional command to create connection


Command to update the connector parameters if there are any relative changes in the project


You can read some additional information regarding to creation of connectors in families in Revit native workflow


The installer that ran when you downloaded this app/plug-in from Autodesk App Store will start installing the app/plug-in. OR, simply double-click the downloaded installer to install the app/plugin.

To uninstall this plug-in, exit the Autodesk product if you are currently running it, simply rerun the installer, and select the "Uninstall" button. OR, click Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features (Windows 7/8.1/10) and uninstall as you would any other application from your system.

Additional Information

In the current version, the addin is represented in two UI languages - English and German.

The tool will add separate family for each connector of unique type and settings (the families belong to the MechanicalEquipment category). In addition, the tool will add shared parameters (invisible) that come with connector family, which are similar with native connector parameters; the parameters are Revit language dependent.

Known Issues

Some workflow behavior will differ from the native Revit workflow of connector creation, for example, you will need to create system-preset connectors instead linked system-system connectors due to it’s not possible to “physically” link two family instances, but the calculation behavior in Revit will remain the same after that.


Author/Company Information


Support Information

If you encounter any question, problem, or bug, feel free to contact with us by e-mail: (in case of bug, please use the log file the tool will provide you).

Version History

Version Number Version Description


Initial release
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