

Win64, English

David Wood Design Ltd
Take control of your Autodesk® Revit® data with PropertyWizard: Use formulas to control parameter values in your Revit projects, as easy as Revit family formulas but even more powerful!

General Usage Instructions

Running PropertyWizard

Use the PropertyWizard button on the Add-Ins toolbar to activate PropertyWizard and create formulas.

You activate PropertyWizard for each Revit project file individually: just click the PropertyWizard button.

The button will also launch the PropertyWizard main window, which lists the formulas you have in the project. You can add new formulas, and edit and delete your existing ones.

The Add and Edit buttons open the Formula window, where you can specify your new formula, or edit the settings of your existing formula.


Creating a formula

Each PropertyWizard formula has three parts:

  1. Select the Category – the formula will apply to all elements of this category.
  2. Type in the name of the Target Property – the parameter you want to set.
  3. Type in the Formula.


Target Property

The Target Property can be an Instance property or a Type property.



In the formula, you can type in:

  • Operators and Functions, like +, sin() and if().
  • Numbers and Integers. Numbers have a decimal point, integers are whole numbers.
  • Lengths (using the suffixes ‘mm’, ‘m’ or ‘ft’).
  • Areas (using the suffix ‘sqm’ or 'sqft').
  • Text strings, delimited by double-quotes.
  • The literal values ‘true’ and ‘false’ (which should be typed without the quotes).
  • Names of source properties. The formula will use the value of the property.


Source Properties

You can refer to:

  • Properties of the target element.
  • Nested properties of the target element (e.g. properties of a Door’s Level or a Wall’s Type).
  • API properties of the target element or nested elements (i.e. properties from the Revit API).
  • Project Information properties.

There is more information in the Help file, which is located here after installation:





The installer that ran when you downloaded this app/plug-in from Autodesk App Store will start installing the app/plug-in. OR, simply double-click the downloaded installer to install the app/plugin.

To uninstall this plug-in, exit the Autodesk product if you are currently running it, simply rerun the installer, and select the "Uninstall" button. OR, click Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features (Windows 7/8.1/10/11) and uninstall as you would any other application from your system.

Additional Information

Known Issues


Company Name: David Wood Design Ltd

Author/Company Information

David Wood Design Ltd

Support Information

The website at has further examples and information.

Please email for individual support.

Version History

Version Number Version Description


Revit 2025 version added. Type.Name is now readable. Group parameters now throw error rather than showing ‘ungroup’ dialog. Bugfixes and stability improvements.


Pro version added. Source and Target ParameterTypes added: Distance, URL and Number of Poles. Bugfixes and stability improvements.


Revit 2024 version added. Bugfixes and stability improvements.


Separate control of updates on open and synchronize. Bugfixes and stability improvements.


Revit 2023 version added. Extra Source and Target Parameter Types added.


cm and inch units added. WorksharingInfo.Creator and WorksharingInfo.LastChangedBy removed. Bugfixes and stability improvements.


New functions added: atan2(), substr(text, index), leftstr(), rightstr(), toLowercase(), toUppercase() and toTitlecase(). New properties added: WorksharingInfo.Creator and WorksharingInfo.LastChangedBy. Function names changed to pascal case: localToShared(), sharedToLocal(). Bugfixes and stability improvements.


Code Signing. Bugfix – CheckoutElementsRequestTooLarge exception with cloud models.


Revit 2022 version added. Revit 2016 and 2017 versions removed. Assemblies added to Category list. Bugfixes and stability improvements.


Export and Import your formulas. Round(a, b) function added – to round to a number of decimal places. Round functions handle midpoint values predictably. Trig functions now return radians. Bugfixes and stability improvements.


• Access built-in parameters using their BuiltInParameter Enum name. • Access shared parameter using their Guid (unique Id) value. • ‘Process all formulas and ignore all errors’ option added to Result Check dialog. • Title Blocks added to Category list. • Bugfixes and stability improvements.


Bugfixes and stability improvements.


Formulas can now target Type parameters by using Type.parametername. Formulas can now read Global Parameters by using GlobalParameter.parametername. Added more checks around mismatched units. Bugfixes and stability improvements.


Revit 2021 version added. Privacy Policy links added.


Bugfixes and stability improvements.


Volume units added. Installation size reduced. Bugfixes and stability improvements.


Revit 2020 version added. Sqft unit added. Length and Area string formatting matches Revit Project Units setting. Help button added to main window. Bugfixes and stability improvements.


Bugfixes and stability improvements.


Improved handling of incompatible formulas. Improved UX for licensing. Improved UX for logging. Bugfixes and stability improvements.


Improved reporting of formula errors. Bugfixes and stability improvements.


App Store Preview version
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