Egan Project Startup

Egan Project Startup

Win64, English

Egan BIM Resources
This app provides startup utilities for Autodesk® Revit®: Local file maker, previous version alert, icons to display your company’s help file and splash view and place the Central File name on prints.

General Usage Instructions

Once you install the app, it works in the background with very little need for input from the user. However, you will need to change some of the default settings to suit your company.

In Revit, go to the “Add-ins” tab > and the “Egan BIM Resources” panel. Select the slide-out menu at the bottom of the panel to display the “Project Startup” menu. Select “Project Startup Settings” to display the Settings Form.

Following is a brief description of the settings on the Settings Form:

Show Custom Help On Ribbon <> Check the box that corresponds to the location where you want to display your custom help icon. Note that the middle button will allow the command to be added to the QAT. All locations will allow the command to be added to a keyboard shortcut.

Company Identifier <> Enter the name of your company.

Help File Location <> Enter or browse to the file that is displayed when you custom help is called. Can be any executable, web address or displayable file type (like pdf or doc.)

Help File Icons <> Default icons display a red question mark. To display a custom icon, browse to the location. Note that for best results, the icons should be the size indicated.

Alternate local file folder location <> The local file location defaults to the Windows User Profile. Enter an alternate local file folder location as required.

Suppress Previous Version Dialog <> Click here to suppress dialog if desired.

Splash View Location <> Choose the location for your Splash View Icon. Note that if it is on the main panel, the command can be added to the QAT. All locations will allow the command to be added to a keyboard shortcut.

Splash View Name <> Enter the name of your splash view. When the command is called, it will search for a view with this name and display it. If it can’t find a matching view it will do nothing. This command can also be used to display your favorite view.

Worksharing Monitor Executable Location <> The default setting is where the Worksharing Monitor installs itself, but you may need to adjust it.

Start Worksharing Monitor <> Uncheck this box if you do not want the Worksharing Monitor to be started automatically.

Language <> Select your preferred language.




The installer that ran when you downloaded this plug-in from the Autodesk App Store has already installed the plug-in. You may need to restart the Autodesk product to activate the plug-in. To uninstall this plug-in, exit the Autodesk product if you are currently running it, simply rerun the installer by downloading it again from the Autodesk App Store, and select the 'Uninstall' button, or you can uninstall it from 'Control Panel\Programs\Programs and Features' (Windows 10/11), just as you would uninstall any other application from your system.

Additional Information

This app adds a shared parameter named “Central File Name” to your project the first time you open your project with this app-enabled. You may add this shared parameter to your title block family or you may use your own parameter.

When you make the decision to use this app permanently, you can load the shared parameter into your template by opening and saving your template while the app is enabled. Then the app will not need to load the shared parameters into every new project.

If your company would like to establish default settings different from the apps default settings, contact.

Previous versions of the app are available on our website

Known Issues

On workshared projects, when opening a project for the first time, the app may have difficulty adding the necessary shared parameter due to file permissions issues, which may appear as odd error messages like "Central File Unavailable." If this happens, make sure everyone else is out of the project, open the central file, save, exit and reopen your local file. The shared parameters should now be loaded and ready to use.


Company Name: Egan BIM Resources

Author/Company Information

Egan BIM Resources

Support Information

For software support, contact us at

Version History

Version Number Version Description


Updated for Revit 2025.


Updated for Revit 2023.


Added Privacy Policy. Updated for Revit 2022.


Updated for Revit 2021


Updated for Revit 2020


Updated for Revit 2019.


Updated for Autodesk® Revit® 2018. (Win64.)
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