Content Pack For GF Piping Systems – COOL-FIT 2.0

Content Pack For GF Piping Systems – COOL-FIT 2.0

Win64, English

GF Piping Systems Ltd.
A Piping catalogue for Autodesk® AutoCAD® Plant 3D. This content pack consists of pre-insulated PE100 pipes, fittings and valves from GF Piping Systems.

General Usage Instructions

After installation just run the PLANTREGISTERCUSTOMSCRIPTS command and restart Plant 3D.

The app will install the content to C:\AutoCAD Plant 3D 2024 Content\CPak Common.

Create a new spec and add all components from the catalog to the spec and start modeling.


For more details refer to the document from the installed location: 

C:\AutoCAD Plant 3D 2024 Content\CPak Common\GFPSL_Content Pack For GF Piping Systems – COOL-FIT2\e-Manuals_GF_AutoCAD Plant 3D Setup For COOL-FIT Content_Adsk App Store.pdf




The catalogs are compatible with AutoCAD Plant 3D 2020 and later versions. Please copy all the compatible catalogs into your content catalog location.


Just double-click on the downloaded installer to install the app.


Open Programs and Features by clicking the Start button, clicking Control Panel, clicking Programs, and then clicking Programs and Features. Select Smart Tools, and then click Uninstall.

Additional Information

AutoCAD Plant 3D setup manual for GF COOL-FIT content is included in the installation package.

Known Issues


Company Name: GF Piping Systems Ltd.
Company URL:
Support Contact:

Author/Company Information

GF Piping Systems Ltd.

Support Information

Version History

Version Number Version Description


Initial release
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