Planting F/X

Planting F/X

Win64, English

Land F/X
The Planting F/X plugin adds tools specific to landscape architecture to your CAD interface. Quickly spec, place, and label plants. Error checking and scheduling are easy and automatic.

General Usage Instructions

The Planting F/X Add-On adds a whole set of tools to your Autodesk® AutoCAD® interface making your job working with Landscape Architecture even easier. 

Create a New Project - The first step in working with our software is creating a new Land F/X project. Each project is essentially a database that you associate with an AutoCAD DWG.

Set the Scale & Units - The scale of your DWG plays a critical role in how information and symbols are displayed, how they will appear in the final product, and, in the end, how they will plot. 

Planting Preferences - Our preferences settings allow you to configure our software quickly to work closer to the way you work. The Planting Preferences screen includes settings for plant codes, symbols, and labels. 

Plant Size Preferences - The Plant Sizes Preferences screen controls the appearance of your plant schedule.

Text Styles for Plant Labels & Schedules - Our software includes a system of logical Text Styles. Each Text Style applies several specifications (including font and point size) to specific usage of text within Planting.

Adding & Placing Plants - Build your plant palette in minutes, assign your plants with data and symbols, and jump right into planting design.

Specialized Tools for Placing Plants - Placing plants has never been easier. We've developed a variety of useful tools designed specifically for placing plants in your DWG's.

Labeling Plants - Effective planting designs require plant callouts that clearly state, at a minimum, the quantity and species of plants within different groupings.

Plant Schedules - A Plant Schedule counts and lists all plants used in your DWG. Schedules can list plants by symbols or code or both. Our tool allows numerous options to include, or not include, cost, size, quantity and spacing of plants.

Photo Callouts - Our Photo Callout tool links to a Google Images search for a specific plant, you can then select a photo to place in your DWG to call out the plant. 

Color Render - Our Color Render tool creates a colorized plan of your design by swapping out your existing plant symbols for colorized symbols. It also colorizes your Shrub Areas and groundcovers.

Bring Your Designs Into 3D - Your installation includes a seamless connection between CAD and 3D modeling programs Sketchup, Rhino and Autodesk® Revit® through our 3D Connection Tool. Accessed in CAD this feature allows you to bring a CAD design and an associated Land F/X project into a 3D model. It also allows you to bring a 3D model and an associated project, from Sketchup, Rhino, or Revit into CAD. 




Download and run setup_PlantingFX.exe.

Once you download the installer from the Autodesk App Store you should receive an email from Land F/X with your Support ID, you'll use this during the installation.

On the Support, ID window enter the Support ID you received in your email and click Next to continue. NOTE: An internet connection is required in order to install/utilize the plugin as our libraries are all cloud-based. 

Choose your destination folder and follow the onscreen prompts to install the software. 


Open Add or Remove Programs

Locate and uninstall F/X Server and F/X Workstation.

Additional Information

Planting F/X includes the following ribbons and tools: F/X Admin, F/X Site, F/X Details, and F/X Planting

Irrigation F/X includes: F/X Admin, F/X Site, F/X Details, F/X Planting, and F/X Irrigation

Design F/X includes: F/X Admin, F/X Details

Only one of our plugins may be installed at a time, in order to install a different version (i.e. Design F/X, Planting F/X, Irrigation F/X) the currently installed edition must be removed first. 

Known Issues


Company Name: Land F/X
Support Contact:

Author/Company Information

Land F/X

Support Information

- +1 805-541-1003

Ask questions to us directly instead of in the reviews below, and get a faster response (same day).

Version History

Version Number Version Description


HotFix: RefNote and related schedules, for All Work Areas, quantities will not increase with subsequent iterations in same CAD session.


Detail Manager, Place detail, supports placing multiple details at once. HotFix: Placing a detail template, CAD version 2021 will not generate error. HotFix: Preferences, Manage Preferences, variable scoping revised to avoid namespace collision.


HotFix: Bloom Schedule, supports running on plants in xref.


AutoCAD 2019 no longer supported. Plant Schedule, ability to re-generate legacy schedules. Plant Schedule, ability to edit existing schedules. Plant Schedule, additional secondary common name languages added: Croatian, Chamorro, Lithuanian, Dutch. Plant Schedule, Space between plants setting, when displaying Symbols or Photos, affects row height. Lighting, Fixture callouts, support attribute tag VOLT of calculated voltage. HotFix: Sorting of plant sizes re-engineered for better performance with extremely large size lists. HotFix: Plant Schedule, when showing symbols for trees or shrubs, row is slightly taller than symbol size. HotFix: Plant Schedule, when including concept plants, with symbols, concept member rows are vertically aligned middle. HotFix: Plant Schedule, plants with differing case versions of plant group are correctly included. HotFix: Plant Schedule, including cost without quantity, cost appears correctly. HotFix: Photo Callout, compatible with AntView 1.1.


Civil and Survey Manager, Northing/Easting Points, Delete, also deletes point in drawing. Grading Legend, renamed to Civil and Survey Legend, also added to language strings for customization. HotFix: CONCEPTSCHEDULE_NEW, rounding of quantities in labels matches precision in schedule.


PrintHatches command created, pending integration into Preferences. HotFix: RefNotes, manufacturer-based hatch patterns, download on demand. HotFix: Plant Color Render, block size calculation uses same method for color and 2D blocks.


Insert Detail Template, 1" = 5' added to imperial scales. Editing Groundcovers, Stipple able to convert to/from standard hatch. Mimic, supports selecting Stipple as source or destination. Startup, BLOCKMRULIST set to 0. PolyOptimize, dialog switched to Modeless; multiple minor improvements with processing logic. HotFix: RefNotes, additional validation when attempting to detect embedded material data. HotFix: Plot scale validation, does not regard 1" = 1' Decimal as an invalid scale.


ENTERPRISE command, merged into Install Info dialog from Preferences. BatchMan, Nuke option added to save options. BatchMan, Layer Names and Colors functionality improved with pre-scanning of files, and new dialog box. HotFix: Plant Schedule, when re-generating multiple schedules, Plant Data field association is correctly retained. HotFix: RefNote Schedule, site amenity material color data is removed from description. HotFix: Common function to determine if object is inside of area, for Multileaders uses arrow end-point if possible.


HotFix: When placing site amenities, pressing C or V to copy along a line or polyline, copies have embedded data correct applied.


RefNotes, Site Amenities store Model ID for future linking with additional data.


HotFix: Welcome screen, will not appear blank with Chromium browser installed.


Cloud Data, all data calls standardized as Post operations. HotFix: Plant Shadows, drawing corrupted to the point of being a hot mess, will not generate error. HotFix: All manager palettes, when switching to a blank drawing from one that has run an update, will not generate error. HotFix: Edit Plant, selecting a Concept plant without palette open will not generate error. HotFix: Detail Manager, Renumber, additional error handling for detail missing number assignment. HotFix: Plant Schedule, accounts for plants with mixed case versions of same group.


Add Plant dialog, updated with faster database searching and streamlined search options. Edit RefNote dialog, Symbol, Color, and Photo, options consolidated into dialog. Drawing lighting wiring, supports right click to repeat. HotFix: Match Object, using keyboard commands to advance to next block, downloads missing blocks from correct source folder. HotFix: Highlight Station, highlights drip areas when called from manager or directly selecting drip hatch.


All schedules, with output to Table, table style LAFX-SCHEDULE created. Custom Line, linetype created with text rotation set to Upright. HotFix: Detail Explorer, dragging and dropping folders, correctly aborts if existing category of same code. HotFix: Placing Concept Ground Covers, respects preference setting of Ground covers exclude shrubs.


Lighting, drawing wiring, able to toggle between drawing lines and arcs. Lighting Schedule, includes work area title. Startup, RegApp warning dialog, timeout limited to 30 seconds, Quit button added. Plant Labels, support code within parentheses. HotFix: Placing a generic hatch, additional error handling for missing hatch data. HotFix: Edit Plant, assigning data to a generic plant, adding new plant to project will not generate error. HotFix: Plant Schedule, with plant data associated, re-generating will not alert about missing work area.


HotFix: Slope callout, selecting two spot elevations will not generate error.


Common function to place framed Mleader, automatically adds a mask.


Update 16.91 RefNote Manager, when importing items with assigned details and preference option to copy details to project folder, details are copied and reassigned. Detail Explorer allows creating a detailed category after the index file has been erased; alerts the user if the path is invalid or file is damaged. HotFix: Match Properties, when windowing objects to replace, circles are only considered valid if one was chosen first.


Update 16.70 Lighting callouts, supported tags updated and standardized. Lighting, verification calculations, callout updates offloaded to common function. HotFix: Edit Lighting Wire, editing cost for IEC 60228 wire will not generate error. HotFix: Common function to automate a framed Mleader, compatible with non-English AutoCAD installs. HotFix: Preferences, Block Layer Colors, saving of revised colors with local data will not generate error.


Initial release.



Initial release
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