iBOM Export BOM to Excel / Word with images & more

iBOM Export BOM to Excel / Word with images & more

Win64, English

Steve Lowe
Export BOM to Excel/Word (Inc. images), provides the option to include values from ‘iProperties’ (Inc. ‘Custom’), and the option to calculate total build costs from hourly rate and total build time.

General Usage Instructions

The iBOM app is intended to be used when the user has completed an assembly (.iam) and wants to export the data to a Microsoft® Excel® or Word® file (Including images/thumbnails).

The iBOM app provides the user with several additional options, which include an option to export 'iProperties' data (including 'Custom iProperties') and the option to calculate and add labour costs for the assembly to the exported file.

The images/thumbnails are embedded into the Excel file allowing the user to send the exported file via email without having to send images as attachments.

The exported data provides a full costing for the active assembly providing the user has entered all the relevant information into the 'iProperties' field for each part/sub-assembly and the required fields on the iBOM application.

All calculations are done in the exported Excel/Word file so adjustments to the calculations can be easily made without having to export BOM data again. This allows users to make changes to the calculations without having to have access to Autodesk® Inventor® or iBOM App software.



If the iBOM app has been installed using the Windows installer then the program will be installed in the destination of the installer's choice with the iBOM being listed in 'All Programs' in the Windows. Start Menu, the iBOM app can be uninstalled using Windows 'Uninstall a Program' procedure situated in the Windows 'Control Panel'.

Additional Information

Known Issues



Company Name: Steve Lowe
Support Contact: sljklowe@gmail.com

Author/Company Information

Steve Lowe

Support Information

Please contact via email: sljklowe@gmail.com

Version History

Version Number Version Description


Users can now export 'Materials' iProperty data for each part and can save the exported BOM file to a location of their choice.


New features - Users can now export 'Materials' iProperty data for each part and can save the exported BOM file to a location of their choice.

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