Work Plane Visibility

Work Plane Visibility

Win64, English

Toggle between visibility of Work planes, Sketches, Axes, and Points, without searching for them in the browser tree.

General Usage Instructions

User Select Parts > Hit Ctrl+2 or clicking on the addin logo to bring the add-in menu> choose the features you want to turn on\off (interactive mode will consider all ticked features). 

SH AddIn will function for a single part selection in unlicensed mode until activated using a free license key obtainable from the KIM Projects website.

Note: make sure your view settings are set ticked otherwise, you may have some conflicts (“View” Tab “Object Visibility”)




Installation is performed by executing the installer (SHAddInSetup.msi). 

These Add-in files are copied to the Inventor AddIns folder, with supporting DLL files located in the installation folder (typically program files / SHAddIn).

The program data / SHAddIn folder is used to store a copy of the license key and license file when activating product.

Use Add/Remove Programs to uninstall

Additional Information

Known Issues

Note: make sure your view settings are set ticked otherwise, you may have some conflicts (“View” Tab “Object Visibility”)


Company Name: KIM
Support Contact:

Author/Company Information


Support Information

Version History

Version Number Version Description


Added 2019 support (No change in version number).
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