Dormer Pramet Tool Library

Dormer Pramet Tool Library

Mac OS, English

Autodesk Inc.
The Dormer Pramet tool library add-in allows you to easily add Dormer Pramet application products into your Autodesk® Fusion 360™ local tool libraries.

General Usage Instructions

Launching the add-in:

The add-in is located under the MANUFACTURE workspace inside the Manage panel which can be found on the MILLING, TURNING and UTILITIES tabs of Fusion 360. The first time you launch the app, it will connect to the Dormer Pramet tool library to download and index the tools and holders from the tool library. After the initial download, the app will check the version of the tool library hosted by Dormer Pramet on startup, but will only download and update if a newer version of the tool library is available. 

Searching for tools:

On the right side of the add-in, there are filters to help you find the tools and holders you are looking for. To begin using the filters, select an object type. Once an object type is selected, the filters for that object type will be displayed.  To set a filter, click the expand icon to open the filter and then use the controls in that section to set the condition for the filter. To clear/reset the filters, click the Clear Filter button located to the left of the filters. 

To search for a tool or holder by name, enter text in the Search objects... input field.

The name, corner radius, diameter, flute length and overall length header in the table can be clicked to list the tools in ascending order of the clicked header. 

If a tool or holder name in the list is truncated, hover the mouse over the name column for that tool or holder and a tooltip will pop up displaying the full name. 

Searching tool libraries:

Your local tool libraries are located on the left side of the add-in. You can search for a local tool library by entering text in the text input box above the list of tool libraries. Any local tool libraries containing the search text will be displayed. To show all local tool libraries after a search, delete the text in the search field. 

Adding a tool to a local tool library:

Add a tool or holder to a library by using the copy and paste icons located above the list of tools/holders. To copy a tool or holder, select the item in the list, then click the copy icon.  Next, select the tool library to add the copied object and click the paste icon. If the tool already exists in the library, a prompt will appear asking you if you would like to add another copy of the tool to the selected library. 

Closing the add-in:

To close the add-in, click the Close button at the bottom right of the add-in. 





1. Download the installer from the Autodesk App Store.

2. Right-click on the "Downloads" folder and select "Open in Finder".

3. Right-click on the "DormerPramet_macos.pkg" -> "Open With" -> "Installer".


You can unload the add-in without uninstalling it by clicking the "Stop" button when the add-in is selected in the list box on the "Add-Ins" tab of the "Scripts and Add-Ins" dialog.

Unchecking "Run on Startup" causes the add-in not to be loaded in future sessions of Fusion 360.

- Navigate to the ./ApplicationsPlugins folder and select the app bundle you want to uninstall

- Either drag the app bundle to the Trash or right-click and select “Move to Trash”

- Right-click on the Trash-Can and select “Empty Trash”

- If you prefer keystrokes, you can also just select the app bundle and then hit Command+Delete to move the app to Trash, then empty the Trash and the app will be removed.

Additional Information

Known Issues

- The add-in only allows the user to add tools to their local tool libraries.


Company Name: Autodesk Inc.
Support Contact:

Author/Company Information

Autodesk Inc.

Support Information

For support, contact

Version History

Version Number Version Description


Updates in this release version include: - Corrected an issue which caused tool libraries to no longer be highlighted when selected
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