

Win64, English

Lev Mishin
Gridfinity bins/baseplates generator

General Usage Instructions

GridfinityGenerator includes two commands allowing you to create either a bin or a baseplate. Below are the general steps you need to take to start working with the Add-In. For more detailed information on each parameter description refer to the project documentation (detailed description of bin generator optionsbaseplate generator options). 

  1. Install the Add-In: Begin by downloading and installing the GridfinityGenerator Add-In from the Autodesk® Fusion® App Store. Once the installation is complete, launch Fusion.
  2. Access GridfinityGenerator: Within Fusion, navigate to the DESIGN workplace. In the toolbar, find the SOLID section and click on the CREATE dropdown list. You will now see the new "Gridfinity bin" or "Gridfinity baseplate" menu options. Select the appropriate option based on your requirements.
  3. Specify Parameters: After selecting the "Gridfinity bin" or "Gridfinity baseplate" menu option, a dialog with parameters will open. Here, you can specify the required parameters for your bin or baseplate design. Adjust the dimensions, grid layout, hole sizes, and other settings to match your desired specifications.
  4. Generate the Design: Once you have defined the parameters, click on the OK button within the GridfinityGenerator Add-In dialog. The app will then create a body with the specified features, representing your bin or baseplate design.
  5. Customize the Design: If necessary, you can easily edit the generated body. Simply select the feature you want to edit in the timeline or apply your own features on top. Make adjustments to dimensions, hole placements, or any other parameters as needed. The changes you make will be immediately reflected in the design, allowing you to iterate and refine it effortlessly.
  6. Export for 3D Printing or Other Software: When you're satisfied with your design, it's time to export it for manufacturing. You can use Fusion export functionality.


With GridfinityGenerator, you can streamline the creation of bins and baseplates, and customize them to your specifications. Unlock the full potential of your designs and enhance your workflow with the intuitive features provided by the GridfinityGenerator Add-In.


Ribbon/Toolbar Icon Command Command Description

Gridfinity bin

When you select the "Generate Bin" command, a dialog box will appear on your screen, presenting various input fields and options to customize the bin's properties. These parameters allow you to define the dimensions, box grid layout, internal compartments, and other essential aspects of the bin body.

Gridfinity baseplate

When you select the "Generate Baseplate" command, a dialog box will appear on your screen, presenting various input fields and options to customize the baseplate's properties. These parameters enable you to define the dimensions, baseplate design type, and some other parameters.



The installer that ran when you downloaded this app/plug-in from Autodesk App Store has already installed the app/plug-in.

OR, simply double-click the MSI to install the app. 


You can unload the add-in without uninstalling it by clicking the "Stop" button when the add-in is selected in the list box on the "Add-Ins" tab of the "Scripts and Add-Ins" dialog.

Unchecking "Run on Startup" causes the add-in not to be loaded in future sessions of Fusion.

To uninstall this plug-in, exit the Autodesk product if you are currently running it, simply rerun the installer, and select the "Uninstall" button.

OR, you can uninstall it from 'Control Panel\Programs\Programs and Features' (Windows 10/11), just as you would uninstall any other application from your system.

Known Issues


Author/Company Information

Lev Mishin

Support Information

If you encounter any issues, have questions, or would like to engage in discussions about the GridfinityGenerator Add-In, we encourage you to take advantage of the support resources available to you.

  1. Issue Tracker: For bug reports, feature requests, or any other technical issues, please visit the GridfinityGenerator Add-In repository on GitHub. You can open a new issue by navigating to the repository at Click on the "Issues" tab and then select the "New Issue" button to provide details about your concern.
  2. Discussion Forum: To engage in conversations and discussions with fellow users and the development team, the GridfinityGenerator Add-In repository on GitHub offers a discussion forum. Visit the repository's Discussions section by clicking on the "Discussions" tab. Here, you can start new discussions, ask questions, share ideas, or offer feedback. It's a great place to connect with the community, seek guidance, and share your experiences.
  3. Documentation and Guides: The GridfinityGenerator Add-In repository may also include documentation and user guides to assist you in getting started and making the most out of the app's features. Check the repository's README file and the "Wiki" sections for any available documentation. These resources can provide step-by-step instructions, tips, and examples to help you navigate the Add-In and address common challenges.

We are committed to providing comprehensive support to ensure you have a seamless experience with the GridfinityGenerator Add-In. Your feedback and engagement are valuable to us, and we appreciate your contributions to the community.

Version History

Version Number Version Description

- feat: reworked baseplate generating process, now instead of using offset surface it relies on enlarged base tile. That results in better shape dimensions at the expense of clearance between some bin and baseplate surfaces - feat: updated printability groove cuts on magnet sockets to be rotated at 45 degree angle, this allowed to use circular pattern when replicating those cuts - feat: added option for extra cuts for magnet sockets to simplify extraction - feat: added option for padding on the sides of baseplates - fix: addressed a bug where preview bin size was calculated based on hardcoded values instead of user inputs - fix: minor improvements adding names to features and bodies
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