Display State Manager

Display State Manager

Mac OS, English

Stores and reloads position information of all parts to aid in designs that have multiple complex states that need to be designed around. Used to be called Configuration Manager.

General Usage Instructions

On the far right of the bottom toolbar, a new menu has appeared. There are 5 commands in this menu:

  • Save Display State: Allows you to save the current Display State 
  • Switch Display State: Allows you to switch between saved Display States 
  • Delete Display State: Allows you to delete an existing Display State 
  • Update Display State: Allows you to update the name and state of an existing Display State 
  • Upload Display State: Uploads the current Display State file to your A360 drive so you can have it if you need to switch computers


The configuration file is stored in C:\Users\<user>\configSaver. It can be edited in any text editor if necessary. When switching computers, you will need to manually download your Display State files from your A360 drive and store them in this location.





The installer that ran when you downloaded this app/plug-in from Autodesk App Store will start installing the app/plug-in. Or, simply double-click the downloaded installer to install the app/plugin.



You can unload the add-in without uninstalling it by clicking the "Stop" button when the add-in is selected in the list box on the "Add-Ins" tab of the "Scripts and Add-Ins" dialog.

Unchecking "Run on Startup" causes the add-in not to be loaded in future sessions of Autodesk® Fusion 360™.

- Navigate to ./ApplicationsPlugins folder and select the app bundle you want to uninstall

- Either drag the app bundle to the Trash, or right-click and select “Move to Trash”

- Right-click on the Trash-Can and select “Empty Trash”

- If you prefer keystrokes, you can also just select the app bundle and then hit Command+Delete to move the app to Trash, then empty the Trash and the app will be removed.

Additional Information


This program stores the position data from components only. As a result, if you move a body instead of a component, this program will not know! This can be used advantageously if you need a part moved in all your configurations, but don't want to update each individually. Just make sure you are aware of what you are doing. 

Planned updates:

-Configuration file downloading

-Automatic uploading of the configuration file on save

-Automatic downloading of the configuration file on close

Known Issues

This is the first version, and as a result, there may be errors I have not caught. Here is a list of things to still be updated:

- Part positions are stored based on their names. As a result, if 2 components have the same name they can trade positions. Additionally, renaming a component will cause the parts to no longer move to their stored positions. If it is necessary to rename a part, manually update the configuration file in notepad and replace all instances of the old name with the new name. 

- The configuration file is stored with the name of the associated file. If the filename changes, the configuration file name will need to be manually changed accordingly.


Author/Company Information


Support Information

For issues, upgrade suggestions, or questions, please contact PandRorg@gmail.com

Version History

Version Number Version Description


Major bug fix: -Fixed an issue where parts would not always load to their correct locations Minor changes: -Saving and loading the draw list is no longer checked by default -Tiny variations from being perfectly perpendicular have been removed on load
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