DISPLAYLEN – Display Polyline Segment Lengths

DISPLAYLEN – Display Polyline Segment Lengths

Win64, English

CAD Design Software
Places the Length of selected polyline segments, next to the segment as text with user-defined Height, Angle, and offset and drawing dimensions’ units.

General Usage Instructions

In the Precision edit box, type in the number of digits to the right of the decimal point of the length value to be displayed alongside the segment.
In the Height edit box, type in the text height for the displayed segment length text value.
(If Absolute is picked) In the Angle edit box, type the angle to use when the segment length text is drawn.
Select one of the three radio buttons for the segment length text alignment:
Absolute - This will create the segment length text at the specified angle (set in in the Angle edit box).
Parallel - This will create the segment length text parallel to the line segment.
Perpendicular - This will create the segment length text perpendicular to the line segment.
In the Offset Distance edit box, type in a value for the distance between segment length text and the selected polyline segments.
In the Layer list, select a layer in the current drawing to draw the segment length text or pick *New Layer* to create a new layer and color.
The Erase and Create button will activate after running the command once and text has been placed. This can be used to replace earlier length text with new text that has a different height, angle, etc., as needed
Pick the Create button and a prompt appears.
PROMPT: Select objects: Pick single or multiple polylines (Select or Window) and press <Enter> and the segment length text will be placed. The prompt repeats and can be used to select additional polylines or press <Enter> to exit.



Ribbon/Toolbar Icon Command Command Description


Display Polyline Segment Lengths


The installer that ran when you downloaded this plug-in from Autodesk App Store has already installed the plug-in. To uninstall this plug-in, click Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features, and uninstall it as you would any other application from your system. For Installation help and Requirements, visit our Apps Support page

Additional Information

Known Issues


Company Name: CAD Design Software
Support Contact: appsupport@cad-design.com

Author/Company Information

CAD Design Software

Support Information

Website: https://apps.cad-design.com

Contact: 1-877-CAD-USER

Version History

Version Number Version Description


Compatible with 2025


Update follows drawing dimensions units and now works in Architectural units.
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