

, English

SkySync is an enterprise content orchestration platform that connects with Autodesk® BIM 360® Docs to facilitate the transfer of files and folders into the construction management platform.

General Usage Instructions

To connect SkySync with BIM 360 Docs, Autodesk clients must contact SkySync sales to purchase and install the SkySync platform. Once the software license has been purchased, basic installation and deployment of SkySync can be found through our Migration Guides.

BIM360 Admins can find the SkySync BIM 360 Integration in Account Administration under the “Apps” tab. Select to add to your BIM 360 Account.

Your SkySync BIM 360 Integration is now active in BIM 360.

Please note that SkySync is a browser-based application that is only supported in Google Chrome.

To create the connection to BIM 360 Docs in SkySync: 

  1. Select Connections > Add connection.
  2. Select Autodesk BIM 360 (OAuth 2.0) as the platform on the Add connection modal.
  3. Connect via your Autodesk account or with your client secret/client ID.
  4. Test the connection to ensure SkySync can connect using the information entered.
  5. Select Done

To create a Job in SkySync to migrate content to BIM 360 Docs, or synchronize BIM 360 Docs from another platform, follow the Job Creation process.

To create a job, select the Jobs option from the left menu and click on “Create Job.” SkySync will lead you through a wizard to select all the applicable options for your scenario.

The main job creation steps include:

  • Selecting a Job Type
  • Configuring Locations
  • Defining Transfer Policies
  • Defining Job Transfer Behaviors
  • Advanced Options
  • Summary | Review, Create Job, and Schedule




Additional Information

SkySync is a third-party software platform that will need to be purchased and installed separately. Contact SkySync at

Known Issues

SkySync is a browser-based application that is only supported in Google Chrome.


Company Name: SkySync
Support Contact:

Author/Company Information


Support Information

SkySync software purchases include basic support. For further information, please contact

Version History

Version Number Version Description


This is the current version at the time of publishing, Nov. 2020. You will receive the most up-to-date version of SkySync at the time of purchase. SkySync is a third-party software platform that will need to be purchased and installed separately. Contact SkySync at

First release.
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