Data Exchange for Dynamo®, Early Access

Data Exchange for Dynamo®, Early Access

, English

Autodesk, Inc.
Data Exchange – Dynamo Connector can share the subset of information from Dynamo with other applications such as ACC, Rhino®, Revit®, Inventor®, and Power Automate in a neutral and secure format.

General Usage Instructions

Note: Install/Activate Data Exchange Dynamo Connector from Autodesk Construction Cloud® app gallery to access your ACC projects for Data Exchanges

ACC Admins can find the Data Exchange - Dynamo Connector ACC Integration in Account Administration under the “Apps” tab.


Dynamo Connector Nodes usage

FDXData Exchange:

This node is used to get Exchange from ACC and share the information of exchange as an object in the output node after authentication. This node gives an object of exchange info schema as output after fetching from ACC. 

Get Exchange: 

This node checks whether the exchange is of type read, If yes then it will write values of Token, ExchangeFileURl and FDXConsumerLog to the file. Then file loader loads that file and returns groups, renderstyles and top level assemblies in the form of objects. 

Convert To Geometries: 

This node is used to process the exchange data and get Geometry. This node takes DXData as input and gives Geometry as output. Using this node user can view the geometry in the Dynamo. 

Convert To Parameters: 

This node is used to process the exchange data and get parameters. This node takes DXData as input and gives parameters of exchange as output. Using this node user can view all the parameters of the exchange in the form of list. 


This node gives specific information about the exchange in the panel through separate outputs. This node takes exchange as input. By using this node, users can view the exchange information. 

Parameter Filter: 

This node is used to filter required data from the exchange. This node takes DXdata, Parameter Name, and Parameter value as input and gives DXdata as output after filtering the data based on user input. 

For more information on how to get started with the Connectors and work with Data Exchanges, refer to:




Additional Information

Known Issues


Company Name: Autodesk, Inc.
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Author/Company Information

Autodesk, Inc.

Support Information

Please reach out to our team in case of any queries on -

Version History

Version Number Version Description


1. Resolved issues with ACC Viewable generation 2. Added unit support to specify units while importing exchange.


1. Create Data exchange from Dynamo. 2. Load Data Exchanges into Dynamo 3. Load and Bake Geometries from exchanges created by other Data Exchange connectors. 4. Filter node for advanced filtering on contents of Data Exchanges


1. Create Data exchange from Dynamo. 2. Load Data Exchanges into Dynamo 3. Load and Bake Geometries from exchanges created by other Data Exchange connectors. 4. Filter node for advanced filtering on contents of Data Exchanges


1. Create Data exchange from Dynamo. 2. Load Data Exchanges into Dynamo 3. Load and Bake Geometries from exchanges created by other Data Exchange connectors. 4. Filter node for advanced filtering on contents of Data Exchanges
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