SwiftCheckIn - EzyBuild

SwiftCheckIn - EzyBuild

, English

Swift Check-in
Monitor real-time labour expenses, tackle project overruns, track project performance and automate compliance checks with SwiftCheckIn - EzyBuild.

General Usage Instructions

Add the app to your BIM 360/Autodesk Construction Cloud® Account: Admins can find the SwiftCheckIn - EzyBuild in BIM 360/ACC Account Admin under the “Apps” tab. To add the app to your BIM 360/ACC account, select the app and click “Add to BIM 360/ACC". 

SwiftCheckIn - EzyBuild, a robust cloud-based software that streamlines and simplifies construction site management, is a no-brainer for both managers and contractors alike.

For Project Managers: Activating SwiftCheckIn - EzyBuild from ACC enables project managers to log in to the SwiftCheckIn SAAS platform and authorize auto-syncing with ACC. Through auto-syncing, the managers can retrieve all the critical details, including projects, budgets, companiesperformance tracking items, contracts, issues, etc from their Autodesk account to the SwiftCheckIn platform in no time, eliminating tedious manual spreadsheets and data entry without jeopardizing accuracy.

Steps to connect SwiftCheckIn - EzyBuild with ACC:

1. Visit the swift check-in app page and enter the registration credentials to log in. In case you haven't received your login credentials, please contact us on info@swiftcheckin.com.au

2. Once signed in, the user will be directed to the SwiftCheckIn EzyBuild dashboard with all the modules.

3. An authorization message requesting Autodesk® account authentication will appear for new users after ten seconds of successfully logging into the EzyBuild dashboard.

NB: Re-authentication will only be required if the user hasn’t accessed EzyBuild for more than 15 days after their initial successful authentication.

 4. By clicking the authenticate button, the users will be directed to the Autodesk sign-in page, where they must provide their Autodesk account credentials to authorize the EzyBuild app to access the user data stored in the Autodesk platform.

 5. After granting EzyBuild permission to access Autodesk data, the user will be redirected to the EzyBuild app, where they can click the sync Autodesk button available in various modules to instantly import their essential data, including projects, budgets, companies, contracts, issues, etc., from their Autodesk account onto the EzyBuild platform.

6. Under project performance tracking items, clicking the auto sync button will quickly retrieve all user-created ‘performance tracking items’ data from their Autodesk account to the EzyBuild platform in no time.

NB: Make sure to sync budgets before syncing the performance tracking under the project module. ‘Performance Tracking items’ created in the Autodesk platform will not be displayed in EzyBuild if they are not included in EzyBuild’s budget list.

7. Time sheets linked to each budget or instance will be uploaded to the user’s Autodesk account every day. The success or failure of the upload is indicated by the ‘status’ value on each sheet.

NB: EzyBuild will compute and upload the tracked input quantity during a timesheet upload; the tracked output quantity is always set to a default value that the user can update in the EzyBuild application to ensure accurate instance calculations.

EzyBuild user workflow: After establishing a connection between EzyBuild and the user's Autodesk Construction cloud account, project managers are required to select the project gate module on the EzyBuild platform. From there, a QR code relevant to the project location can be automatically generated and downloaded. The authorized workers of a project can check in and check out by scanning the unique QR code affixed to the allocated gate. Each worker’s onsite hours are recorded against a budget under a designated project, which is then utilized to track timesheets, and labor costs, compare actual and predicted budgets, etc. In addition, managers can also monitor labor-related project performance and daily work progress in real-time, ensuring the project stays within budget and schedule. The comprehensive digital data records are available on the EzyBuild SAAS platform and retained for a duration decided by the company.

For Workers: A user-friendly mobile app is available for workers to check in or check out at the project gate using QR codes, reducing waiting times and delays. Also, workers can upload their details, licenses, and certificates during registration, which are automatically verified at each check-in, which optimises efficiency and expedites workflow.




Additional Information

Known Issues


Company Name: Swift Check-in
Support Contact: info@swiftcheckin.com.au

Author/Company Information

Swift Check-in

Support Information

Please email us to info@swiftcheckin.com.au

Version History

Version Number Version Description


Autodesk Construction Cloud Auto Sync Feature
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