Sheet Metal Tee Piece ( T - junctions )
Many pipelines are made from sheet materials, that are initially unfolded and then they are cut and bent.
This application makes the unfolding of two types of pipe elements: A cylindrical pipe intersects into a cylindrical pipe or a cone-shaped pipe.
Allowances may be left for fastening, and Dimensions can be set manually in the form fields or selected from the drawing. A help file can be called (there are specific buttons).
The application can be called (started) from the menu bar and the ribbon.
The thickness of the material should be negligibly small. It is good to have two-dimensional sketches drawn in advance and to take the dimensions from them.
In the next versions of the program, we will also present the cases: a cone penetrates a cone and a cone penetrates a cylinder.
The calculations are based on the algorithm for finding the intersection points of lines and surfaces.
The deflection cylinder is represented as a list of straight lines (forming lines of a cylinder).
The angular distance between them depends on the "density" parameter, the larger it is, the more and closer the lines are.