MEP Utilities: Fabrication Auto Switch Tool 2025

MEP Utilities: Fabrication Auto Switch Tool 2025

A, M
Sistema operativo:


Autodesk® Revit® add-in tool that gives advanced and fast fabrication placement.


Switching placed fabrication parts of an incorrect service to the required service. 


By improving the process of placing fabricated elements BIM population time can be vastly reduced for projects.


Prerequisite: This program will require MEP CORE 2025 installed to run.

This program is available on the Autodesk app store where it is most up to date "" but is also included in this installer up to the version it requires.


Note: This app uses a custom installer (and not the standard App Store installer).

Informazioni sulla versione

Versione 1.0.2, 12/06/2024
First public release

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