LVDC Tab - Excel integrator & Revisions manager

LVDC Tab - Excel integrator & Revisions manager

É, H


LVDC Tab® revolutionizes your Autodesk® Revit® workflow by seamlessly integrating Excel® data into and out of your projects. Designed to optimize your processes, it empowers users to centralize project data, fostering collaboration and efficiency.


Key features:

  • Seamless Integration: Import, modify, and export Excel sheets directly within Revit, eliminating the need for manual data entry.
  • Automated Element Creation: Generate Revit elements automatically for each line of the imported Excel sheet, enriching your project with visual representations of your data.
  • Dynamic Scheduling: Create dynamic Revit schedules to track and display imported data, facilitating effortless analysis.
  • Revision Management: Effortlessly manage revisions and changes to imported Excel data, ensuring accuracy and version control.
  • Customization: Customize parameters and add new data fields as needed, adapting to project requirements seamlessly.
  • Intuitive Control Panel: Navigate effortlessly with an intuitive control panel featuring an advanced search feature, empowering users with efficient data management capabilities.


Tailored for AEC professionals and BIM managers, LVDC Tab® offers unparalleled versatility and productivity enhancements.
Perfect for Autodesk® Navisworks® clashes reports, design reviews, and more.


Verzió 1.0.0, 2024. 06. 10.
LVDC Tab® debut release!

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