

CADGPT - Artificial intelligence Assistant for all tasks related to CAD work and CAD design. Powered by ChatGPT and Expert Robotics Tools. ObjectARX and LISP code Generator. CAD Emails Generator. CAD Support 24/7. 

 If you have a problem using Autodesk® AutoCAD®, are looking for a variable or a command, if you want to write an email and cannot find the right wording, then simply use our CADGPT.


 To start, you can chat with our CAD Expert as Android. This is a chat mode for a conversation or short questions.

If you want to ask more complicated questions, then press the appropriate button and start the expert mode.


 In the expert mode you can, for example, generate ObjectARX code or ask very specific questions.

Please be very specific with the questions and ask the questions as if you were talking to a real person. Don't write loose keywords or half questions. The better the question is formulated, the more precise the answer.

Our AI is getting better and better every day. If a question is not answered correctly, then simply write to us using the contact form.

Have fun!


Note: This app uses a custom installer (and not the standard App Store installer).

Trial Description

Unrestricted 21 Days Trial Version.

About This Version

Version 24.15, 6/14/2023
Windows x64 Stand Alone App. Active Internet Connection is needed.

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