FX64 Translation Memory Manager 2025

FX64 Translation Memory Manager 2025

Aplikacja Autodesk Certified reprezentuj¹ca najwy¿szy poziom jakoœci, zgodnoœci i integracji z produktem firmy Autodesk. Wiêcej informacji mo¿na znaleŸæ <a href="http://www.Autodesk.Com/certifiedapps" target="_blank">tutaj</a>.

Digitally signed app

System operacyjny:


The FX64 Translation Memory Manager is designed to translate Autodesk® Inventor® drawings into other languages. The program is certified by Autodesk® for Inventor releases 2025 and newer, under the certified Apps Program.


The program is capable of extracting all relevant elements of text from Inventor drawings. For this purpose, the user can browse individual drawings, or even multiple drawings within a specified folder structure. The user can define what types of text objects the program searches for.


The found texts are added to a database structure. The tool provides a comfortable, easy to use dialog to translate the texts on your own or export them into a MS Excel spreadsheet. After the external translation the texts can be easily re-imported into the database.


The program includes utility functions to automatically recognize repeated numerical variables occurring in texts and a function for translating selected texts with Google Translate. A machine translation is not perfect of course - but in many cases it provides a decent translation approach. The correction of a machine translation is often significantly faster than the manual translation of all texts.


With just a few instructions, the user can then create translated copies of the original drawings in which the text elements are replaced by the translations from the database. In addition, the program contains a function to directly send the translated drawings to FX64 Plot (also available as trial version in the Autodesk App Store) to convert and/or plot the files.


Check the product video on YouTube


Note: This app uses a custom installer (and not the standard App Store installer). 

Opis wersji testowej

The trial version does not have a time limit. Instead, its functionality is limited:

- No batch processing of multiple files in the trial version

- Import and export functions of the database are limited to 5 entities per transaction

- The integrated Google translation is limited to 1000 characters total The installed trial can be unlocked as full version with a serial key. No additional installation required.

- The trial version only translates textboxes, titleblocks and relevant iProperties. Other types of texts in the drawing are only translated by the full version.

Informacje na temat tej wersji

Wersja 11.0, 12.11.2024
.NET 8 Version

Zrzuty ekranu i nagrania wideo

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