ADC(Automatic Drawing Creator)

ADC(Automatic Drawing Creator)

Digitally signed app





Automatic Drawing Creator is a very useful tool for Autodesk® Inventor® users who are looking to create 2D drawings quickly and efficiently. It would be a great timesaver for those who need to create many drawings regularly.




2D drawings play a crucial role in documenting the design and adding important information to the product. They provide a clear and accurate representation of the product’s geometry, dimensions, and other critical details. This information is essential for manufacturing, assembly, and quality control processes. Moreover, 2D drawings serve as a communication tool between different stakeholders involved in the product development cycle, including designers, engineers, manufacturers, and customers.


Creating 2D drawings in Inventor can be time-consuming, taking away valuable time from other projects and design improvements.


Note: This app uses a custom installer (and not the standard App Store installer).

체험판 설명

15-day trial for users to explore the app’s features and functionality

이 버전 정보

버전 V 1.0.2, 2024-07-01
- Creates 2D Drawings regarding the settings

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