Network Quantities Label

Digitally signed app

Y, M


This app is a subset of Pipe Network Productivity Tools


YouTube - Standard Selection Options

This app offers the ability to quickly select network parts through multiple selection options with ability to filter out parts, then to be able to quickly summarize a quantity list of those parts as Mtext, Table or CSV file. Quantities are gathered by PartSizeName or Part description, Pipe Lengths of 2D/3D Center to Center / edge to edge, Structure quanties, and abilty to quantify depths below a specified surface.


Pipe depths are summarized by sampling the pipe elevation at specified location of pipe vs the surface at a controllable sample frequency. Structure depths off multiple depth choices. Reports are summarized by parts of like PartSizeNames or Part Descriptions to help gain a summary of the design. Selection of parts is done with 5 methods: selection methods: All, Network, Multiple, Alignment and Path.


All collects all Networks and parts in those networks. Network collects all parts inside a selected Pipe Network, Multiple allows the user to select multiple parts on screen, Alignment allows for selecting multiple Alignments and Networks and finds parts within a defined swath along the selected Alignments, and path allows the user to select a start pipe/structure and an end pipe/structure and return all parts in between along the shortest path through the network. 


Software EULA:


バージョン, 2024/08/30 Full list of new features, enhancements and bug fixes at the link below


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  • Depth
    Oriole Phillips | 2月 02, 2016

    Great program! Is it possible to in the future summarize pipes at certain depths as well, since this is how QTO are down for costing?

    Steve Hill (公開元) | 2月 04, 2016

    Hi Oriole, I'll look at adding this option for future release. I will add that my full suite of Pipe Network Tools (link below) offers structure depths based on ranges already. I'll look at adding that to this standalone version as well.
