Husson Tool - Crossing Pipe Label

Husson Tool - Crossing Pipe Label



The application works by determining the intersection of the two pipe centerlines in 2D (x,y coordinates).

The distance is then calculated from the upstream invert to determine the invert and obvert (crown) elevations of the respective pipes.


A leader with text is then added to the drawing showing the obvert (crown) of the pipe at a lower elevation and the invert of the pipe at the higher elevation.

The text is generated using the pipe style name.


The tool is useful for creating text labels for crossing pipes where necessary and saves a lot of time with manual calculations.


Verzió 1.0.3, 2023. 04. 21.
Added support to 2024 version.

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13 értékelés
Műszaki segítségnyújtás
  • Great Tool
    Jason Schmidt | január 17, 2025 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    Was curious if ya'll will support new versions? 2025? 

  • awesome tool
    Michael Hooker | augusztus 31, 2023 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    Great tool. Love it. Couple things though. I can't change the text style and I don't want the pipe style labeled, just the network name.  Any way to change these options would be great.

  • 2023 Support
    Frank Borger | március 01, 2023 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    Hey Ed, Any support for 2023 yet?

    Ed Mcgriskin (Közzétevő) | március 03, 2023

    Let me look into this Frank and see where this is in the process.

  • Thanks for sharing this great app. Does what is says.
    Michael Serrano | július 05, 2022 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    Works great and use it frequently. Would love to have some settings options that would become default such as layer and rotation angle. Once again very thankful for you sharing this.

  • Looks promising
    Hal Lore | február 19, 2020 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    HI All, this looks like a great tool but I wasn't able to get consistent results? Sometimes it woudl calculate the center of the pipeline in lieu of the flowline. Also sometimes results would only be reported to one decimal place and they would be close but not a match to a hand calculattion. Has anyone found a solution to these issues, thanks.

    Ed Mcgriskin (Közzétevő) | február 21, 2020

    Thanks for the response Hal. Are you using the most recent version of the app? There were issues with the calculations in a previous version (2015) but have not received any report is issues since then. Regarding the reporting to only one decimal place, that is typically tied to the program dropping the 0 if that is at the end. I have been trying to find a work around to correct this but have not had any success to date.

  • Great App need updates
    SHELLY POTTS | július 11, 2018 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    Any support for 2019 coming soon?? I really rely on this app to help my workflow.

  • Possible Tweaks
    Kent Keplinger | május 17, 2016 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    Remove the hard code for L60 and let mleaderstyle control appearance. Also change OBV to TOP for the top of pipe label portion. This app saves a lot of time except for changing the OBV to TOP.

    Ed Mcgriskin (Közzétevő) | május 19, 2016

    Thanks for the suggestions Kent. I will look into implementing them.

    Gang (Gary) Yin | október 06, 2017

    Great app! In addition to change the OBV to TOP, we also need to change INV to BOTTOM, at least to give options. In Civil engineering, we are more concerning about the clearance (Bottom to top).

    Tony Gaffney | október 10, 2018

    Here Here, on the L60 textstyle comment, can we make the resulting PIPE_CROSS mutileader style Annotative? Currently I have the required styles preloaded into a template drawing to get the desired look. Guess it would be nice if the program prompted you for the multileader style and layer the way it prompts you for text location and angle. Nitpicking. Its a great tool regardless, thank you for making it.

  • help
    Ahmed Elhawary | május 15, 2016 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    please, need version 2017 supported

    Ed Mcgriskin (Közzétevő) | május 19, 2016

    Hi Ahmed. We are working on getting this updated asap. We are waiting on our version of 2017 to be deployed so I can test it.

  • Ribbon
    Oriole Phillips | január 27, 2016 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    Is this app for 2016? I also have problems with all the Husson Tools disappearing from the ribbon.

  • Super Helpful App!
    Cameron Deatherage | november 05, 2015 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    While I have trouble having the app stay on the ribbon, the command "sewercross" works just fine after downloading this app and it runs well! Saves me a ton of time from calcing intersections though.

    Ed Mcgriskin (Közzétevő) | november 05, 2015

    Thank you for the review.

  • A good idea but needs work
    Erich Bonz | október 13, 2015 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    The app functions well but I rarely get accurate data when backchecked with a hand calc or even a smart profile. If the accuracy can be worked out, then it would be a real time-saver.

    Ed Mcgriskin (Közzétevő) | október 13, 2015

    Hi Erich, An error was discovered in the code last week and it has been corrected. An updated version will be going live very soon.

  • Cool app but needs work
    Taylor Wilson | október 07, 2015 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    I love the functionality of this app, but in many instances this tool has given me inaccurate data. When you calculate the invert of a pipe at a point by hand, it is rarely the same number that the tool gives you. Needs a lot of work

    Ed Mcgriskin (Közzétevő) | október 08, 2015

    Hi Taylor, Would you be able to send us the instances in which the app has provided inaccurate information to so that we can update the tool to address your concerns? Thanks.

  • Great little tool
    James Lord | november 20, 2014 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    Great little tool

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