Convert To Point
Converting objects to Cogo points take multiple steps, makes the file size large and makes working on the file difficult. We have introduced the “Convert To Point” tool. This is a simple tool which helps users to convert objects to Cogo points or Autodesk® AutoCAD® points using one click. It helps to convert four types of objects to points without a lot of steps.
As shown in the screenshots below, after installing the add-in, three menus will appear in Add-ins menu. The first two menus are called Convert Objects to AutoCAD Points and Convert Objects to Cogo Points. In each menu, there are five buttons for each object.
The first button/order is for converting Blocks to points. This order takes the location of the insertion point of each selected block, including Z position, and converts it to a point.
The second button/order is for converting Circles to points. This order takes the location of the center of each selected circle, including Z position, and converts it to a point.
The third button/order is for converting MText to points. This order takes the location of the insertion point of each selected MText, including Z position, and converts it to a point.
The fourth button/order is for converting Text to points. This order takes the location of the insertion point of each selected Text, including Z position, and converts it to a point.
The fifth button/order is for converting Intersected Lines to points. This order takes the location of the intersection point of each two lines, including Z position, and converts it to a point.
The third menu called scaling and contains three buttons as following:
The first button/order is for scaling lines length to avoid undesirable intersections and keep elevation without changes.
The second button/order is for scaling the selected Cogo Points elevation.
The third button/order is for adding elevation to the selected Cogo Points' elevation.