Populate Attributes

Populate Attributes

Win32 e 64, Português

CAD Programs
This program allows the user to quickly fill out block attributes based on information saved in a text file. Block names are ignored. Only attribute tags are considered.

Instruções de uso geral

Fill out the tab-delimited file to specify the tag/value pairs.

Click the PopulateAttributes button to start the program. Select any number of entries in the dialog box, and then choose from the radio button whether you want to make an on-screen selection, process all blocks on the current layout, or all blocks in the entire drawing.

Capturas de tela


Ícone da Faixa de opções/Barra de ferramentas Comando Descrição do comando


This function will open Notepad (or Notepad+ if installed) and allow the user to edit the input strings. The Attribute tag to be searched for must be separated from the value you wish to be inserted, by one tab character. Eg. Title1[tab]PIPING AND INSTRUMENT DIAGRAM


This button executes the Populate Attributes function on the current dwg. After executing the user will be given a response at the command prompt displaying how many attributes were edited.


This button opens the help file for this application.


When installing, please ensure Autodesk® AutoCAD® is not running. Double-click the installation package downloaded from the App Store.

Then once the installation has been completed, start AutoCAD and acknowledge the Trust dialog by selecting the 'Always Allow'. At this point, you may need to restart the Autodesk product to activate the app/plug-in.

To uninstall this plug-in, exit the Autodesk product and click Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features (Windows 7/8.1/10/11) and uninstall as you would any other application from your system.

Informações adicionais

Problemas conhecidos



Nome da empresa: CAD Programs
Contato de suporte: support@CadPrograms.ca

Informações do Autor/Empresa

CAD Programs

Informações de suporte

Support Contact: support@CadPrograms.ca

Histórico de versões

Número da versão Descrição da versão


Initial Version
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