Attribute Batcher
Sistema operativo:


This program leverages the power of Autodesk® AutoCAD® core console to efficiently query block attributes across multiple drawings in a very short time.


Re-importing is also equally fast. This program is a must-have if you need to batch edit attributes in large dwg packages.


Note: This app uses a custom installer (and not the standard App Store installer).

Informazioni sulla versione

Versione 3.3, 19/07/2024
Version Number Version Description 1.0 Initial release 1.1 Removed .net browsing 1.2 Added support for dynamic blocks 2.0 Updated for Autodesk® AutoCAD® 2021 2.1 Updated Menu tab 3.0 Split single file opener function into two functions (OpenWithNotepad & OpenWithExcel) Added button to access help file and privacy statements. 3.1 Updated for AutoCAD 2023 3.2 Updated for AutoCAD 2025 3.2 Updated help file

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